Saturday, June 25, 2011


So just when I thought I had things under control.... break outs. Just when I was going to the lake and everything. That tends to happen before your period starts as my dermatologist pointed out. I tried going the extra mile putting products on but I guess I'll have to start from scratch on these babies. I wish there was a product you could use right when you knew you were gonna break out if you were stressed or something.

Saturday, June 18, 2011



Magic Trick

Girls, when you put cover up, foundation, or powder on your acne filled face, we all hope that the zits will just go away and hide behind the make up. But we know what really happens: The pimple just becomes an ugly brown spot. Welllll what if I told you that it could go away? Hehe I sound like an advertisement promoter. Well for prom, I went to get my make up done and she put green powder on my face. It took those dark brown or red spots out of my face. I had a one-tone face! I haven't tried it for myself, but I was amazed that green powder solved my problems and let me be less self conscious at prom.

One Thing All Sufferer's Can Relate To

We are strong people, we really are. We face the world despite our blemishes. We also have a skill. And that skill is perseverance. One of my biggest struggles is getting up to go wash my face. Some nights when I get home, I just wanna crawl in bed and go to sleep! But no, I have to get up and be groggy because I have to go wash my face. I always get mad at myself when I break out and say "Stop saying 'okay I can stop washing my face just this once, I'm sleeping' because look where it gets you!!!" But then my night time self says "I cannot possibly get up, I'm way too tired." How else can we relate?

My Biggest Struggle

My biggest struggle is scars. Sometimes I didn't mean to pop the zits, I really didn't! But sometimes it happened and I would frantically read how to prevent scars but they still appeared!! I hate the scars. They don't go away unless you get laser treatment. Make up doesn't hide them. I even stole my dad's scar remover medicine prescribed to him by a doctor. I'm almost out and it really doesn't work. The doc said I could have laser treatment when the acne was ALL gone. Well, newsflash doc, they don't go away!! Scar removers make me break out, but treating acne makes me scar. Anti productive huh? Whats your biggest struggle?

What Works And What Does Not

Proactiv Solution - Ya this worked! half the time your face will be peeling off with dryness and the other half it'll be dripping with oil. It's soooo expensive though! It takes so much time to apply and IT WILL STAIN YOUR WASHCLOTHS! If you use it long term, it will stop working.

Clean And Clear - I don't really remember this one. Same as Proactiv though, leaves your face oily as hell. The little bottle is the only one that really fights the acne, but they only give you this teeny tiny bottle! Stops working about a while.

Toothpaste - Ya, seems crazy that I put toothpaste on my face but I've had my desperate moments... Guys don't stoop to this level. All it does is dry up your skin and leave you sticky and itchy.

Lemon Juice - I heard it works to lighten dark spots and scars. BS. Maybe I didn't leave it on long enough or whatever but it didn't do anything for me.

Persa-Gel 10 (Clean and Clean separate product - This stuff leaves your face all white and weird. I didn't have any oily or dry problems with this stuff and it worked for a little while but stopped working. This is one of those things that make you break out, but then begin to treat it. Not bad for minimal acne. No good for break outs.

Clearasil Ultra Rapid Action - Claims to visibly reduce redness and size of pimples in 4 hours. Thats crap and i knew it would be. But this is my favorite small-container product that I've had. It's tinted so it gets rid of some of the redness. It seems to work well on individual zits. No drying or oil problems. I tend to use this as a n extra. Like... If I wash my face in the shower with an acne cream, ill put this on after. GOOD STUFF.

Aveeno Clear Complextion Foaming Cleaner - I use this in the shower. It's only 0.5% Salicylic Acid so I didn't expect much out of it. I use it more as just something to wash my face as. Don't buy this. Waste of money.

Neureogena Oil Free Acne Wash Cream Cleanser - Loooove this stuff! I use it in the shower and in the mornings/night. I suspect this stuff will stop working soon but for now, its still hanging in there. It takes a while to apply though as you need to wash it off as opposed to other creams like Rapid Action.

Oral Pills - From a Dermatologist. They make you break out at first but then make things better. I had to get a higher dosage because the standard ones wouldn't work. They make you feel like crap if you didn't eat anything before you took one. It worked but I always had those few pimples that just kept popping up.

About Myself

I'm your average teenage girl with spots on her face. Except with me... its pretty bad. I've had it since 6th grade and im in 11th grade now and havent had a clear face since! This blog is to unite those who suffer with pimples (gosh i hate that word...) so that people can put their input as to what works and what doesnt in this war for a clear face and more confidence.